jueves, 22 de septiembre de 2022

BLOG 3: "My Favourite Piece of Technology"

My favorite technological object is my computer, it's an asus, it's my baby, I've had it since 2019 and it's ended up being very important to me, they gave it to me for my Photoshop classes and since then I've used it for everything, editing videos , go to class, write and above all draw, which is what I like to do the most. I HAVE ALWAYS TAKEN CARE OF IT A LOT because it has become my most valuable work tool. Especially since I have all my designs in digital.

PS: I have it full of cartoon stickers that I like.

❤ Digital drawing.❤

martes, 6 de septiembre de 2022

BLOG 2. "Why did you choose this career?"

 Hi ,馃挀

The main reason for studying Theater Design is the versatility of the career, I consider that for someone who wants to stay active and never get bored, it is the ideal career. I have always liked art in all its forms and this career allows me to delve into different branches of art, from drawing to lighting, through carpentry and costume making. What allows me to put into practice my manual and creative skills building the staging.

I have fallen in love with the degree from the first moment I entered, since it has allowed me to get to know myself and relate to very talented people whom I admire.

❤Photo performance "Metamorphosis" for the street theater course❤

Post 5: Changes to my Study Programme.

  As a 5th year student of theatrical design, I have had a lot of time to think about what things in the curriculum I would like to change. ...