martes, 17 de enero de 2023

Post 5: Changes to my Study Programme.


As a 5th year student of theatrical design, I have had a lot of time to think about what things in the curriculum I would like to change.  What would first change would be the focus of the workshop of realization, in this class, it seeks to have a basic theoretical training of construction, where a small approach is made to certain materials and tools, but without a greater deepening, since, it is mainly in the theory, I think that the approach should be much more practical, where the correct use of tools and the maintenance of them is taught,  Since although we have access to the tools, the little handling limits us to their use. Also that it is complementary to the classes, since it is necessary to be able to build in real formats, with real measures and on a large scale. The workshop that is occupied to build has a small place of realization, where it works in parallel with the other colleagues, reducing the space of use and storage. This would also change it, in general in my career we work a lot in the workshop, painting, welding or cutting wood, so working in parallel with more people in such a small space is cumbersome, I would like to be able to have a multifunctional space where all things can coexist and we have the necessary materials to be able to experiment and create our ideas.

jueves, 12 de enero de 2023

POST 4: Time Travel to the Future.


Today I am sad. So a trip back in time to the future seems timely. Mainly because I wish I could see what things I did, if I achieved my goals, if I am working, if I am still sad...

If I could choose a moment, I would like to talk to myself and explain how you did to let go of certain things and get to where you are. I would like to visit all the places that my future self likes, holding her hand, showing me where she works, motivating her, telling me about the family. I would like so much to know what things I managed to do. At this moment I am afraid and sorry, doubts for the future, if I will be able to do the things I like; I fantasize about my future self calming those insecurities.

Sometimes, I have a hard time living in the present. Because I believe that every day that comes is better than the previous one and I am a little closer to meeting my goals. In the future I want to see my mom, I have her now and I hope to have her close for a long time, but, I would like to see her old and with the age I am now walking with her and that we sit down to listen to music, because the time with those you love always seems little. Hopefully in the future I will continue to be as close to my family as I am now.

 I would not like to stay in the future, I think it is important that I live all the stages until I reach that future that I hope, it is important that I fight because every day is better. I have a long way to go, plenty of insecurities to tear down... But if I would like to have the advance of knowing if I managed to be who I want to be, to take advantage of this present and not suffer for something that has not yet happened.

Once I drew two Rominas, the one from the past and the one from the present. I would like to hug my future self.


martes, 10 de enero de 2023

Post 3: My Dream Job.


For my dream job it is necessary to be brave. I always thought that what I did in life would have to do with art, since it is what motivates me and makes me happy, I can not imagine doing anything else. I would like to develop as a theatrical designer, which is what I study, but to develop in street theater, doing parades, making puppets and painting, I like this especially for the experiential and random character, since we never know what will happen and how people will respond.

Talk about courage because theater in general does not give us a fixed salary, it is always a risk to study art and live from it, but, even more so if I want to do street theater, since it does not respond to an institution and is rather no man's land, applying to self-management and funds that can help me realize. This life goal is really important, since my first approach to theater was with street theater, even when I was very small, seven or eight years old. That experience was what prompted me to decide to study theater.

                                    "La larga noche de los 500 años" La patriótico interesante.  

viernes, 6 de enero de 2023

POST 2: The Best Concert

    In life I have gone to very few concerts, but I remember the first one I went to with great affection.

    It was the year 2009, I was 9 years old and I was accompanied by my older sister, who was 15 years old at the time, my mother waited for us outside with the mother of a friend who is accompanying us.

    With my friend, we were both fans of CRZ, a band started in a TV series on Canal 13. The concert was on January 9th at the Caupolican theater, the first time we were in such a big place and with so many people shouting and singing, it was very exciting, especially, because I was characterized as the character I liked the most in the soap opera and at the end of the concert we were able to greet the actors.

    The sad thing about this experience is that I do not have any photographic record of this experience, we did not have as much technology to be able to record it and with the camera that we had, my sister was robbed, so that day only lives in our memory.

    I attached a photo of the character I admired the most.

The name of the character was "Feña", she had her own TV Show afterwards.

jueves, 5 de enero de 2023

Post 1. 2023 - A country I would like to visit.

 I would really like to know Mexico. I think it is a very interesting country, especially because of its traditions. I would like to visit the towns of Mexico, like Mazunte, Oaxaca or Mascota, Jalisco, more than the big cities and be able to be part of the preparation for the Day of the Dead.

Food has always caught my attention and how spicy it is, I'm not good at spicy, but I would love to be able to try the tacos and drink tequila.

The culture of Mexico has caught my attention so much that at some point I wanted to study there. I still do not rule it out, since the art of that country draws my attention, especially muralism, being able to be in Mexico learning and understanding muralism from what has been rescued from the greatest muralist references in Mexico (Diego Rivera, David Alfaro Siqueiros and José Clemente Orozco) would be a dream come true.

Post 5: Changes to my Study Programme.

  As a 5th year student of theatrical design, I have had a lot of time to think about what things in the curriculum I would like to change. ...